Peyton Place

People meeting, talking.
Well, in Peyton Place,
two people talking is a conspiracy.

A meeting is an assignation, and getting
to know one another is a scandal.

I think you're hard on the town
and hard on yourself.

No, I'm quite all right the way I am.
What were you gonna do tonight?
Wash your hair? Read a book?
Go to the movies alone?

- Well, it makes time pass.
- Time shouldn't just pass.

It should be used.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
Begin at the beginning,
begin by getting out.

We need another chaperon
for the dance.

Why don't you help us out?
Will you come?
I think I'd like that.
Good night, and thanks.
- Good night.
- Good night.

- Betty Anderson's father stopped me.
- What did he want?

He asked when you'll marry Betty,
before or during college.

- I hadn't exactly thought of marrying her.
- I wouldn't hear of it if you wanted to.

Anderson's a good foreman,
but Betty is something else.

- Yeah, I agree.
- Then stop seeing her.

I just can't stop seeing her.
I invited her to the graduation dance.

- Uninvite her.
- Now, Dad, I can't do that.

You're gonna.
Do you realize what it'd mean
if you married the local tramp?

When you marry, you'll marry
someone on your own level.

Call and tell her it's off.
- Are you trying to kill me?
- Call her.

- Please, Dad.
- Go on, call her!
