Sjunde inseglet, Det

lsn't that surprising?
l know you.
You're Raval, the seminarist.

You're Doctor Mirabilis,
Coelestis et Diabilis.

Aren't l right?
Ten years ago
you persuaded my master...

to set off for the Holy Land.
Did l scare you?
Have you a pain in your belly?

Now l understand
these ten wasted years.

We were too well-off,
too satisfied.

The Lord wanted to chasten our pride.
So He sent you to poison
my master's mind.

l was in good faith.
Now you know better.
You've become a thief.

A more suitable occupation
for knaves.

Oh, l am not bloodthirsty.
But next time we meet,
l will brand your face as you deserve.

l came to get my water bottle filled.
Jons is the name.
An amiable young man...
full of noble thoughts and deeds.
Farewell, my sweet.
l could have raped you...

but l don't believe in
that kind of love.

lt's a little dull in the end.
