Sweet Smell of Success

Then you're really washed up
with Hunsecker, huh?

This is how much
I'm washed up with Hunsecker.

Look, Otis. I make no brief
about my bilious private life,

but he's got the morals of a guinea pig
and the scruples of a gangster.

A fine, fat, dirty item.
Who's it about?
Um, a kid named Dallas.
He runs a dinky jazz quintet.

But he happens to be keeping
company with JJ's screwball sister.

It's a real goody, if, like me,
you wanna clobber JJ.

He's got his TV tomorrow.
He'd read it before rehearsals.

I want to clobber JJ.
But I can't think of a good reason why
I should print anything you give me.

I can't even think of a bad reason.
Suppose I introduce you
to a... lovely reason?

It's both good and bad...
and available.
I'm not an unreasonable man.

Rita, say hello to Otis Elwell.
- Hello.
- Hello!
