Sweet Smell of Success

Get your paper here!
- Record.
- Thank you.

Get your paper here! Read all about it!
I have no power to retract, Mr Cummings.
I'm only Mr Hunsecker's secretary.

No. Nor do I agree that any retraction
is necessary. Thank you for calling.

I fail to see what's amusing
about these papers.

- I'll get the boss to sign them.
- They're important.

You've said that six times.
That's why I'm smiling.

Hello, Mary, my darling.
What are you up to today?

That's a question I usually like to ask you.
- Your secretary phoned.
- About what?

Something about a Frank D'Angelo
trying to reach you.

Is, um... that the man
who manages Susie's boyfriend?

- Mm-hm.
- Have you seen this?

Otis Elwell's column today?
"The dreamy marijuana smoke of a lad
who heads a highbrow jazz quintet

is giving an inelegant odour to that
elegant East Side club where he works."

"That's no way for
a card-holding party member to act."

"Moscow won't like it,
you naughty boy."
