The Bridge on the River Kwai

Well, I must be pushing on.
There's an officer's meeting at 7.
-Give me a list of your requirements.
-Yes, sir.

Anything we can do.
Thank you, sir.
-What is it?
-Never mind.

Go on, say it.
I can think of a lot of things
to call Saito...

...but reasonable, that's a new one.
Perhaps Col. NichoIson
defines the word differently.

Any other points?
-By your leave, sir?

About the escape committee.
I've spoken with Cmd. Shears--

There won't be any escape committee.
I don't understand, sir.
Lt. Jennings has a plan.

Yes, yes, I'm sure Jennings
has a plan, but escape?

Where? Into this jungle?
That fellow, Saito, is right.

No need for barbed wire here.
One chance in 1 00 of survival.

I'm sure a man of Cmdr. Shears'
experience will back me up on that.

I'd say that the odds against a
successful escape are 1 00 to one.

But may I add another word?
The odds against survival in this camp
are even worse.

You've seen the graveyard.
They're your real odds.

To give up hope of escape...
:18:16 stop thinking about it
means accepting a death sentence.

Why haven't you tried to escape,

I'm biding my time. Waiting for
the right moment, the right company.

I understand how you feel.
Of course, it's the duty of a
captured soldier to attempt escape.

But my men and I are
involved in a curious legal point...

...of which you are unaware.
In Singapore we were ordered to
surrender by command headquarters.

Ordered, mind you.
Therefore, in our case, escape might
well be an infraction of military law.

Interesting point, sir.
I'm sorry, sir,
I didn't quite follow you.

You intend to uphold the letter
of the law, no matter what it costs?

Without law, commander,
there is no civilization.
