The Bridge on the River Kwai

Take this bridge of yours.
It's quite an enormous undertaking.
Frankly, I doubt whether
your Lieutenant what's-his-name...

:54:19 capable of tackling
a job of such importance.

On the other hand, I have officers,
Reeves and Hughes for instance...

...who have built bridges
all over India.

The men respect them.
It's essential for an officer
to have that respect.

If it's gone, he ceases to command.
What then?
Demoralization and chaos.

A poor commander I would be if
l allowed that to happen.

Perhaps you are not aware that
the bridge is now under my command.

Really? And may I ask, are you
satisfied with the work?

-l am not!
-You've proved my point.

l hate the British!
You are defeated
but you have no shame.

You are stubborn
but have no pride.

You endure
but you have no courage.

l hate the British!
Pointless, going on like this.
Stay there!
