Witness for the Prosecution

It's worth having the fog just to appreciate
the sunshine. Is there a draught?

- Shall I roll up the window?
- Roll up your mouth. You talk too much.

If I'd known how much you talked
I'd never have come out of my coma.

- This thing weighs a ton.
- Now, now.

We've been flat on our back
for two months, we'd better be careful.

Lovely, lovely. It must be perfectly lovely
to live and work in the Inns of Court.

How lucky you lawyers are.
I almost married a lawyer.
I was in attendance for his appendectomy

and we became engaged
as soon as he could sit up.

And then peritonitis set in
and he went like that.

He certainly was a lucky lawyer.
Teeny-weeny steps, now. Remember
we had a teeny-weeny heart attack.

Oh, shut up!
Williams, my cane.
Here he comes!
Good afternoon. Thank you very much.
Everybody back to work.

Sir Wilfrid, if you don't mind, I'd like
to read you a poem to welcome you back.

Very touching. You can recite it
after office hours in your own time.

Now back to work.
What's the matter with you?

Nothing. I'm just happy
that you're your old self again.

Any more sentimentality around here,
I shall go back to the hospital!

They won't take him back.
He wasn't really discharged, you know,

he was expelled for conduct
unbecoming a cardiac patient.
