Witness for the Prosecution

That's quite natural.
I'm sure a jury will find it endearing.

Leonard can be very endearing.
He hates that particular shade of green

and the socks were two sizes too large,
but he wore them just the same
to give her pleasure.

Leonard has a way with women.
I only hope he has an all-woman jury.
They will carry him from court in triumph.

A simple acquittal will do. Now, you know
Mrs French left your husband money?

Yes. A lot of money.
Of course, your husband had
no previous knowledge of this bequest?

Is that what he told you?
Surely you're not suggesting different?
Oh, no, no. I do not suggest anything.
Clearly, she had come to look upon your
husband as a son or favourite nephew.

You think Mrs French looked
upon Leonard as a son? Or a nephew?

I do. An entirely natural
and understandable relationship.

What hypocrites you are in this country.
Pardon me, Brogan-Moore.
- Do you mind if I ask you a question?
- Go right ahead, Sir Wilfrid.

You realise your husband's entire
defence rests on his word and yours?

- I realise that.
- And that the jury will be quite sceptical

of the word of a man accused of murder
when supported only by that of his wife?

- I realise that too.
- Let us, then, at least make sure

- the two are not in conflict.
- By all means, let's.

I assume you want to help your husband?
Of course I want to help Leonard. I want
to help Mr Brogan-Moore and to help you.

There. Isn't that
more comfortable for you?

Now, Mrs Vole. This is very important.
On the night of the murder your husband
came home before 9.30. Correct?

Precisely. Isn't that
what he wants me to say?

Isn't it the truth?
Of course.
But when I told the police,
I do not think they believed me.

Maybe I didn't say it well.
Maybe because of my accent.

My dear Mrs Vole, in our courts
