Witness for the Prosecution

Hold it.
One more in profile, please.

Do we really need this? My wife knows
what time I came home that night.

A disinterested witness
may be of more value.

Yes, of course,
Christine is an interested witness.

I'll pick up the negatives later. Thank you.
I don't understand it.
Why hasn't she come to see me?

Won't they let her see me?
I mean, it's been two weeks now.

Mayhew, give me the reports.
Have you been talking to her?
Is there something the matter?

I want to read a portion of the evidence
of Janet McKenzie, the housekeeper.

"Mr Vole helped Mrs French
with her business affairs,

particularly her income tax returns. "
Oh, yes, I did. Some of those forms
are very complicated.

There's also a hint you may
have helped her draft her new will.

Well, that's not true!
If Janet said that she's lying.

She was always against me,
I don't know why!

It's obvious. You threw an eggbeater into
the wheels of her Victorian household.

Now, this cut in your wrist.
You say you cut yourself with a knife?

Well, that's true, I did.
I was cutting bread and the knife slipped.

But that was two days after. Christine
was there. She'll tell them in her evidence.

Are you keeping something from me?
Is she ill? Was she shocked?

All things considered, she took it well.
Though that may be only on the surface.

Wives are often profoundly
disturbed at such a time.

Yes, it must be hard.
We've never been separated before.

- Not since our first meeting.
- How did you meet your wife, Mr Vole?

In Germany in 1945.
It's rather funny. The very first time
I saw her, the ceiling fell right in on me.

I Was stationed outside Hamburg,
With an RAF maintenance unit.

I'd just installed a shoWer in the officers'
billet, so they gave me a Weekend pass.
