Witness for the Prosecution

There was glass on the floor,
and fragments were found outside.

The glass outside was not consistent with
the window being forced from the outside.

You're saying that someone made it look
as if it had been forced from the outside?

My lord, I must object. My learned friend
is putting words in the witness' mouth.

After all, if he insists
on answering his own questions,

the presence of the witness
would seem superfluous.

Quite. Don't you think so, Mr Myers?
Yes, my lord.
did you ascertain if any of the murdered
woman's property was missing?

According to the housekeeper,
nothing was missing.

In your experience, Inspector,
when burglars or burglaresses

break into a house,
do they leave without taking anything?

No, sir.
- Do you produce a jacket, Inspector?
- Yes, sir.

Is that the jacket?
- Yes, sir.
- That is exhibit P1, my lord.

Where did you find this, Inspector?
That is the jacket
found in the prisoner's flat,

which I handed to our lab
to test for bloodstains.

- And did you find any bloodstains?
- Yes.

Though an attempt
had been made to wash them out.

What tests were made?
First to determine
if the stains were human blood,

then to classify it by group or type.
And was the blood
of a particular group or type?

Yes, sir. It is type O.
And did you subsequently
test the blood of the dead woman?

- Yes, sir.
- What type was that?

The same. Type O.
Thank you, Inspector.
No further questions.

Inspector, you say the only fingerprints
you found were those of Mrs French,

Janet McKenzie and Leonard Vole.
In your experience, when a burglar breaks
in, does he usually leave fingerprints

- or does he wear gloves?
- He wears gloves.
