Bonjour tristesse

I do have fun with you. And that's
a long way from being all I want.

And we've been over and over this.
I know.
Raymond, I cannot be casual.
I've never been less casual
in my life.

- Then why am I still so frightened?
- I don't know.

I'm often frightened when I want
something badly. And I want you.

I've never wanted any woman
the way I want you.

No, Raymond.
Raymond, no.
Part of me was angry. Part of me
was happy. All of me was excited.

He had brought a girl to the seashore,
made her go out in the sun...

... then when she was a mess of
peeling, dropped her lik e a hot lobster.

It was unfair. Yet even while
I was angry at him...

... I was proud that he had gotten
the unattainable Anne.

How long would it last?
Well, how long did Elsa last?

How long did any of them last?
Anne wasn't feeling well.
My father had to take her home.

They have gone?
Yes. How about a drink?
- No, thank you.
- No, thank you.

- Would you like to dance?
- No, thank you.

She was awfully sick, Elsa.
She ruined that beautiful dress.

It was a horrible, frumpy dress.
- We were all so happy.
- So happy.

- We can still be happy, Elsa.
- No, we can't.

- No, we can't.
- Be still, Pablo.

- Come on, we'll take you home.
- I have no home. I'm not going back.

- Elsa, be reasonable.
- I will not be treated like a wife.
