Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

One of those no-neck monsters
hit me with some ice cream.

Why do you call Gooper's kiddies
''no-neck monsters''?

Because your brother's children
have got no necks.

Their fat little heads sit on their fat bodies
without a bit of connection.

That's too bad.
Especially 'cause, if they have no necks
you can't wring them. Right, honey?

Here we are!
Come on, Buster, Sonny.
Go get in the car. We're all going to go.
Did you ever hear so many dog's names
tagged on to children?

They've got five monsters
and number six coming up.

They've brought the whole bunch here
like animals to display at a county fair.

It's so obvious, it's disgusting.
It's obvious what they're up to.
What are they up to, Maggie?
I'll tell you what they're up to, boy of mine.
They're up to cutting you out
of your father's estate.

Everybody knows Big Daddy's...
...dying of....
I ought to send Sister Woman a bill
for a new pair of stockings.

Do we?
Do we what?
Know that Big Daddy is dying of....
Don't you believe it?
You'll know soon enough.
Suppose he is?
There's some things you've got to face.
There's some things in this world
you've simply got to face.

Why was Big Daddy in that horrible clinic
for six weeks...

...if the examination didn't show anything?
Why did Brother Man bring his whole tribe
down here in this sticky heat?

And why so many allusions
to you and Rainbow Hill?

You know what Rainbow Hill is?
It's a place that's famous for treating
famous alcoholics and dope fiends.

I'm not famous.
...and you don't take dope.
Otherwise you'd be a perfect candidate
for Rainbow Hill.

That's where Brother Man's
going to tell Big Daddy to ship you.
