Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Over my dead body!
Rainbow Hill.
With you out of the way,
Gooper gets hold of the estate...

...signs the checks, and cuts off our credit
whenever he wants.

How'd you like that, baby?
You're doing just about everything...
:07:20 aid and abet them
in grabbing control, after Big Daddy--

Well, you are.
Quitting work,
devoting yourself to drinking!

Breaking your ankle last night
on the high school field.

We've got one thing on our side.
No, two things.
Are my seams straight?
Big Daddy dotes on you, honey.
He just can't stand Brother Man
and his wife...

...that fertility monster.
She's odious to him.

I can tell.
Just like I can tell he likes me.
That's the second thing
we've got on our side.

He likes me.
The way he looks me up and down,
and over....

He's still got an eye for girls.
That kind of talk is disgusting.
Anybody ever tell you
you were a back-aching Puritan?

I think it's mighty fine how that old fellow,
on death's doorstep...

...takes in my shape with what
I consider deserved appreciation.

Gooper still cherishes the illusion
he took a giant step up the social ladder...

...when he married Mae Flynn
of the no-neck Memphis Flynns...

...because she was queen
of the Cotton Carnival.

I can just see Gooper
falling for Her Majesty...

...sitting on that brass throne,
riding that tacky float down Main Street...

...smiling and bowing, and blowing kisses
to all the trash on the street.

You know what happened to her?
No, what happened to her?
