Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Why can't you get fat or ugly or something,
so I can stand it?

You'll make out fine.
Your kind always does.

I'm more determined than you think.
I'll win all right.
Win what?
What is the victory
of a cat on a hot tin roof?

Just staying on it, I guess...
:13:27 long as she can.
Calm down. Not yet. Now wait a minute.
Where are the flowers?
Aren't you putting it on a little thick?
Get ready, now!
Mama, she didn't bring anything
for Big Daddy.

Pretty seedy looking flowers
for Big Daddy, huh, Gooper?

I picked them myself.
Looks like she picked them off a grave.
Don't talk about graves when we don't
know if Big Daddy's going to live or die.

Get ready.
Hello, Mae.
Hello, children.
Doc, isn't it great?
Kiss me!
Kiss your grandmother.
