From the Earth to the Moon

I guess we'd better
start building them.

Let's make sure we film
everything we do.

You wanna show NASA
where its 500 million is going?

Yeah. I wanna show my kids
where I was while they were growing up.

Every LEM would have to be handmade.
There was no supplier
to order LEM parts from.

And because everything on a LEM
was new, everything had to be tested...

and tested again.
The thrusters...
the engines...
the deployment of the landing gear.
We had to know how a LEM would react...
when exposed to intense sunlight
or when pelted with dust.

We had to know how the landing gear
would perform coming down on a slope.

Thousands of tests day after day...
for years.
Some of the tests went well.
And some did not.
