From the Earth to the Moon

The helicopter carrier lwo Jima
is on station there.

The weather,
which has been on-again, off-again...

is now on again.
Some of the spacecraft's most critical
moments are approaching.

In about 20 minutes,
at 7:23 Houston time...

the astronauts will jettison
their crippled service module.

At 10:53,
they will cast off the lunar lander...

that has been their lifeboat ever since
the power failed on the main ship...

some 82 hours ago.
What we don't know in the final hours
of this extraordinary mission...

is how the damaged spacecraft
will stand up to the trauma...

of re-entry
into the Earth's atmosphere.

How do we tell whether
the heat shield's been damaged?

Drop it through the atmosphere
and see if they survive.

Were Odyssey's heat shields
damaged by the explosion?

Will the pyrotechnics
that deploy the parachutes...

needed to slow the capsule...
from a fatal 300 miles an hour...
to a gentle 20 for splashdown
function properly?

We're getting word from Brett Hutchins
that the astronauts...

are about to jettison
the service module.

- Yes, Howard. That procedure...
- Let's go directly to Brett.

- We'll get it from the source.
- Thank you, Howard.

In just a few minutes, the astronauts
aboard the crippled Apollo 13...

will jettison their service module...
which was mysteriously damaged
only two days into the mission...

forcing them to abandon all hopes
of a lunar landing.

With any luck, the crew will get a view
of the damaged service module...

to determine what may have caused
the cataclysmic malfunction.

- Are we icing Brett Hutchins?
- You bet.

We have rules. We can't reward someone
for breaking them.

We can't afford
to alienate a network.

This is Apollo Control Houston...
at 140 hours, 15 minutes
into the mission.

Apollo 13 presently 34,350
nautical miles out from the Earth...
