
Is your schedule. Quite simple.
7:15 am, wake the children.
7:25 am clean sink, pantry and ice-box.

7:45 am, prepare breakfast.
Whas wrong about that?

Is no use.
I'm leaving in the morning.

Will you explain to the children, please?
There's no way I can explain.

They will be certain
I've thrown you out.

I cannot stay.
I simply cannot stay here.

I'm sorry.
Would you like some, too?

Yes, I would like some.
Especially if it will help break down

the social barriers
between capital and labour.

In this case,
I'm not sure who is who.

You're hardly my idea
of the faithful family retainer,

but you've got to stay. They want you.
I've lost touch.
Is too bad.
We used to be such friends.

Never mind.
It will probably take an act of Congress
to get me back into this family.
They do like you. You will see.
I was never cut out for it.
I'm one of the undomesticated animals.
But when they lost their mother,
I thought it might be best to come home
and try to make it up to them.

It never occurred to me
they wouldn't want to have me around.

Isn't that curious?
Every other place I go,
grown-ups seem to want me.

In certain circles I'm considered
quite charming and debonair.

But children can look through me
as if there were nothing there.

Well, maybe there isn't.
Maybe their mother found that out
a long time ago.

They say the fishing is good
after a thunderstorm.
