
Daddy, come here.
I want to talk to you.

- Can I, I mean tonight too?
- Of course.

- Even if it doesn't thunder?
- Especially.

Isn't that nice?
Thas a clever idea.
How did you think of that?

Once in the Vatican, I was looking up
and I said to myself,

'"How in the devil
did Michelangelo paint that ceiling? '"

I always thought he had a pogo stick.
Isn't that amazing?
Now they match. Thank you.
- Who sir, me sir?
- Yes sir, you sir.

- No sir, not I sir.
- Who then sir?

- Gold Cap.
- Who sir, me sir?

- No sir, not I sir.
- Who then sir?

Want to get in the game?
No. These ropes are shot.
I'm going to change them.

You'll set the whole boat adrift.
Angelo is coming tomorrow.
Leave it for someone who knows how.

Sure. I forgot for a minute
that I was a lamebrain.

Sometimes you behave like one.
Where did you get all that new rope?
Go to your room.
You're not getting anything to eat tonight.

Thanks. I'm trying to lose weight.
Now, where were we?
Thank you, Michelangelo.
Now everything matches.
