Kings Go Forth

...and at first they looked like
any bunch of new guys...

...too young, too clean, too polished.
And they all looked scared...
...except him, he wasn't scared.
He was the kind of a guy you'd notice.
You know, take any group of guys,
there's always one that stands out.

Any of you guys know how
to operate a radio?

Yes, sir. I do, sir.
Okay, the rest of you guys can knock it off.
-What's your name, soIdier?
-Technician Fifth Grade Britt Harris, sir.

-Let's see your Form 20.
-Yes, sir.

Graduate of CuIver Academy,
attended Virginia Institute...

...Penn State, CoIgate and CorneII.
I never met a guy
who went to four coIIeges before.

How come you're not an officer?
It's rather difficuIt to expIain, sir.
I wanted to serve with the men, sir.
WouId you Iike to try that again?
There were a few peopIe
I wanted to prove a few things to, sir.

You got anxious a IittIe Iate.
You been in the Army 8 months,
we've been overseas 20 months.

I was deferred, sir, because of my job.
Yeah, ''GeneraI Manager of the Harris
WooIen MiIIs, Newark, New Jersey.''

You share the name of the miII.

My father, sir.
That's smart of you to pick an oId man
who owns a textiIe miII. OnIy one?

Four, sir.
My oId man was in business, too.
Ran a IittIe candy store in New York.

123rd Street, near 8th Avenue.
He used to ask me to heIp him out
when he had a run on bubbIe gum.
