Kings Go Forth

One was dead, two had lost legs,
five were hospital cases.

You're quite a guy, CorporaI.
Yes, sir, a reaI Iive hero.
You want me to pin the medaI on you now
or wait for the GeneraI to do it?

I figured speed was essentiaI, sir.
You ever hear of a mine detector?
-Answer me.
-Yes, sir.

Didn't you hear me hoIIer for you to stop?
-No, sir.
-That's too bad.

-You got a razor bIade in your gear?
-Yes, sir.

Then use it to cut off your stripes,
Private Harris.

-'Morning, sir.
-'Morning, Sam.

Find yourseIf a pIace to sit.
I'm not going to try to persuade you
not to yank this man's stripes...

...but I thought maybe you'd fiII me in on
just what happened.

Nothing much happened.
I hoIIered at him to stop
and he didn't obey orders. That's aII.

I can recaII a coupIe times
when you didn't hear an order.

-I wouIdn't have gone in there. WouId you?
-You kiddin'? We've got too much sense.

I can't quite figure this kid.
Maybe you don't have to. No, thanks.
Sam, don't ride the man so hard.
He can't heIp that he went to coIIege.

I was going to put him up for a citation.
Don't worry. You'II get pIenty of chances
to give this guy a medaI.

How many days have you
and your men been under fire?
