Man of the West

Luck. (Chuckles)
Good or bad luck?
He'll be dead
by tomorrow morning.

He's got a hole in his back.
Hello, Link.
Come shake hands
with your Uncle Dock Tobin.

You've been gone a while.
How long has it been? Five years?
A lot longer than that.
I don't keep track of time
very good any more.

You look fine. Been eating good?
- Yes.
- That's the thing.

You eat good.
This is really something,
seeing you again.

I remember the day you left me.
Oh, Lord, do I remember it.
You were my right arm.
You ran off and left me.
God have mercy
on my black bloody soul.

(Laughs) I was so mad,
I could take and push your guts
right out through your back

and I would have done it too
if you had been standing there.

I'd have opened you up wide.
My right arm, trained by me.
