Run Silent Run Deep

They're closing fast, sir.
- Planes closing fast, sir.
- The Japs must've known we were here.

We're going in according to plan.
Give me the setup.
- Stay on that freighter.
- Aye aye, sir.

(Jim) Range on freighter 2,000, sir.
Track 70, gyro 20 right.

- Recommend firing course 2-9-7.
- Come right to 2-9-7.

- Right to course 2-9-7, sir!
- Planes six miles.

- They'll be on us in a minute.
- Stand by.

Ready on tubes 1 and 2.
Outer doors open. Standing by.

Range 1800 yards.
- Commence firing.
- Fire 1.

- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.

- 1 has been fired.
- 1 fired, sir.

- 1's away. Fire 2.
- Fire 2.

Fire 2.
- 2 has been fired.
- 2 is fired, sir.

- 2's away.
- Make ready stern tubes!

- Make ready stern tubes.
- Make ready stern tubes.

- Aircraft now one mile.
- Come to course 0-8-9.

Coming to course 0-8-9!
Very well. Time check on first torpedo.
Five seconds... four...
Both fish hit. She's headed down.
Stern tubes ready, sir.
Aircraft range steady.
Appear to be circling overhead.

- Right full rudder, all ahead flank.
- Right full rudder, all ahead flank.

Shift target to Akikaze.
He's coming on. Bearing coming down.

(radar bleeps)
- Bearing 2-5-0.
- 2-5-0, sir.
