Soliti ignoti, I

The combination, watch it, watch...
- All the money we've invested!
- Money? I stole it!

Be quiet...
So Dante, what do you think?

- As a movie? It's lousy.
- Thanks a lot!

- Did you hear that?
- Sure I did.

But what I got to see,
it's better than nothing at all.

So... The safe:
It's a Commodoro 50 model,

and not a particularly
difficult one.

It's in the bag then!
Who's that? Ferribotte?
Ah, the job at Foro Pancrazio,
via Merulana, 1952?

No, I didn't get the honor.
'Til last year I was in plumbing
with Armando Lucherini.

Ah, little Armando, he knows
the tools of his trade, all right.

And so?
Well, boys, it's 50,000
for my services.

- Are we understood?
- Oh, God.

- What did he just say?
- Exorbitant.

- And in advance!
- Fifty thousand!

So it was up to Mario to come up
"with the money".

Mario, it's you!
How are things?
Not too bad.
Ada, come see who's here.
