Touch of Evil

l-I'm the night man.
Yeah? Well, you're
a little early, ain't you?

I thought I'd better come back
to see if the new day man...

Which... one of you
is the new day man?

- Andate de aqui, loco. Anda.
- Huh?

- Beat it.
- L...

It's a mile and a half
down to the highway.

- I think I'd better stay.
- Go in the kitchen, and
get yourself something to eat.

- I brought my lunch.
- Eat it now.

Eat it now?
Yes, l...
- I know you. You're the Grandi boys.
- [Phone Ringing]

Your UncleJoe know you're here?
Who could that be?
Take it easy, Pretty Boy.
What're you in such a sweat about?

It's a tough rap
to get caught with this stuff.

It's only that Vargas dame again.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Get me State 1 21 2.

Very good, ma'am.
State 1 21 2.

Hey. Hey. That's
the police department.

- Yeah?
- It's the police, all right.

- What do we do now?
- We do nothing.

We relax and
have ourselves a ball.

I'm very sorry,
Mrs. Vargas,

but the telephone is
temporarily out of service.

I'll call you just as soon
as it's repaired.

Better call UncleJoe.
