Anatomy of a Murder

Al, Mr. Biegler knows
that Barney was my father.

He thinks you know something
about the night my father was killed--

something you won't tell.
Lawyer, I told you once and I'll tell
you again-- No questions, no answers.

Did my father rape Mrs. Manion?
Barney wouldn't hurt a woman.
Is there any reason you wouldn't
tell me the truth about that?

What reason?
Anything else?
I'm going to leave a pass
for you and Al at the trial.

You might like to watch
Lt. Manion get convicted.

You going to spread it around
about Mary being Barney's kid?

No, I'm not going to spread it
around, Al. Thank you for the beer.

Good night, Miss Pilant.
All right. Let's get at
this rosary thing.

It's been testified that your wife
swore to you on a rosary...

that she'd been raped
by Barney Quill.

Did you ask your wife
to swear on a rosary?

My wife was hysterical.
She wasn't making much sense.

I thought if I asked her to take
an oath on a rosary...

it might serve to calm her,
make her think more clearly.

Did the rosary help?
She was able to tell me
in detail what had happened.

All right. Go on from there.
What did you do then, Lieutenant?

Well, I--
I had her lie on the bed,
and I got some cold cloths...

for her head.
And, uh--
Oh, yes. I gave her a drink of brandy.

After a while, she became calm,
seemed to go to sleep.

Then I went to the closet...
I got my gun,
and I loaded it.

Was it in your mind
to kill Barney Quill?

Then why did you go to the closet
and get your gun and load it?

I knew I had to go to Quill's place.
I thought I might need it.
