Ballada o soldate

- Skvortsov, report to the general.
- Skvortsov, report to the general.

Here he is, Comrade General.
Private Skvortsov,
reporting as ordered.

Well, hero, come here.
Tell us everything that happened.
Were you at the observation point?
- Yes.

Well, what happened?
Comrade General, to be honest,
I was afraid!

They were so close...
I was scared.
You were so scared
that you knocked out two tanks?

Out of fright?
Everybody hear?
I wish everybody were so scared.

Wait a minute. Is it possible
that somebody else did it?

No, it was me.
I"m putting you up for a decoration.
Include Skvortsov on the list.
- Yes, Comrade General.

Please make note of this.
Comrade General,
instead of my decoration,

could I go home to see my mother?
- How old are you?
- Nineteen.

When I was leaving, I didn"t have time
to say good-bye to my mother.

And I just got a letter from her.
The roof is leaking.

Please let me go, Comrade General.
We"d all like to go home, Skvortsov,
but we can"t leave the front.
