Imitation of Life

But he's good for me
in many ways.

At least I'm trying to
make myself think he is.

And of course it...
It would be better
for Susie.

This ain't no time
to make decisions.

You're tired, and you don't
know what you want.

Maybe I don't want
so much anymore.

But what would you do
if you gave it all up?

Well, I could spend
more time with Susie.

And you could stay home
with Sarah Jane.

Do you know,
I haven't been up to see
my baby at school in weeks.

Susie knows you love her.
And you need show business
as much as it needs you.

Oh, Annie, what would
I do without you?

Well. Beautiful.
Do you really
like it?

You're more beautiful
than I could ever
possibly remember.

And we're late.
Good night, Annie.
You see she gets home
at a decent hour.

Annie, I think
we'll try these,
uh, over here.

Miss Lora, we been
spending an awful lot
of money up here.

Do you think we can really
afford to have this place?
We can't afford not to.

Ma'am? Ma'am?
Oh, um...

Would you put it
over there, please?
In front of the window.

Oh, that's fine.
Would you
sign this, ma'am?

Thank you very much.
Come on, let's go, Joe.
Did you see the bills
from Susie's new school?

And it doesn't matter.
But Miss Lora...

No matter what it costs,
Susie's going to have
everything that I missed.
