It Happened to Jane

which I'm late to already
because of you and your early plane.

"There being no further business,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

"Respectfully submitted,
Claire Christ, Secretary."

I move the committee report
be accepted as read.

I'll second the motion.
Motion made and seconded
that committee report be accepted as read.

- All in favour?
- Aye.

None opposed, motion carried.
Now, we will have...

I move committee be appointed
to buy a new fire engine for Cape Anne.

- Who's watching the switchboard?
- Patience Parsons.

Out of order, Otis.
Motion has been made and seconded
that a committee be appointed...

to look into fire engine...
Clarence did not say look into.
He said to buy.

Read the motion exactly as Clarence said.
It's foolish to buy something
without looking into the situation first.

I understand how you feel, but you should
read the motion exactly as he said it.

Motion made by Clarence Runyon...
seconded by George Denham...
that a committee be appointed
to buy a fire engine.

- All in favour?
- Aye.

- Opposed.
- No.

- Motion defeated.
- Feel better?

Hear the report of parking meter committee.
Chair recognises Amy Caldwell.
Total revenues from parking meter for year:
Operating expenses: $3.15.
For purchase of new collection bag.
Net revenue: $441.29.
What about the parking meter
in front of your store, Aaron?

Out of order.
- Mr. Chairman...
- Out of order.

Chair will hear a motion accepting report
of parking meter committee.

I move that the town meeting accept
the report of the parking meter committee.

- Second.
- All right.

Motion made and seconded report
of parking meter committee be accepted.

- All in favour?
- Aye.

- Opposed?
- No.

Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman.
Chair recognises Otis Denham.
How about fixing the parking meter
in front of your store?
