Never So Few

I'm in here. Come on in.
I'm sorry. I must have
misunderstood you.

Come in and sit down.
How is Danny tonight?
Oh, he's...
I guess he's all right.

When do you think it will be over?
The war, I mean.
I don't know.
It may never be over.

When it is over, what will
you do back in America?

I've never thought about it.
I may never go back to America.
Where would you go?
I better stay in the jungle.
It's a lot simpler there.

Tom, wait.
Please, wait.
Wait for what?
Must it be like this just because
I'm not in the market for an affair?

Oh, you're in the market.
It's just a matter of price.

I know when I'm well off.
Do you now?
Is that why you invited me in your bath?
Don't be so provincial. In Japan,
men and women bathe together.

This is not Japan, and you well know it.
