Ningen no joken I

Doesn't that conflict with your theory?
That's true
Mind if l smoke?
What do you think?
Without the contradiction my theory
isn't needed

In other words, you feel it's possible
to improve work records... is that it?

A possibility. By the way, l want you
to take over at the Loh Hu Liong mines

Any objections to being sent off
into the hinterlands?

l'm not forcing you
You've analysed the situation
quite well... on paper

Would you want it to end up on paper?
Of course not
Whenever you're ready to put
your theories into actual practice

Exemption? From military service?
You're not alone in the exemption
There are dozens of others

A bad habit! Leave well enough alone
The savage fighting continues
with only one way of resisting

By facing a life sentence in prison
Neither of us had the courage
to face up to it
