Ningen no joken I

Even the prisoners won't
trust me any more

Given time... you'll gain their trust
Leave me alone for awhile
l like that!
Since those men came
you've changed completely

You think so?
l feel that l'm fighting
a lone battle

You leave early every morning...
And you always return late
During that time... you work
Meanwhile, l putter around the house
and go out to do my shopping

lt's like doing nothing
Yet... l try to convince myself
that what little l do will
help to keep you going

Otherwise, l'm nothing but
an ordinary housekeeper!

l'm sorry... forgive me!
lt's now become an obsession
Stop worrying about it...
Just for now...
lt was nice talking to you
When one is confined here
one loses contact with the outside
Thank you!
What's the matter?
l'm a professional woman!

l'm sorry to have taken your time
l just wanted to talk

You plan to escape, don't you?
