Orfeu Negro

-Of course! Why do you ask?
-Sorry, l was just kidding

l said that because everybody
comes here to get married

lt is quite funny
Names? What is your name?

Obviously, the bride's
name must be Eurydice

My name is not Eurydice.
Why do you say that?

Because everybody knows that
Orpheus loves Eurydice

Do you love some woman
called Eurydice?

l don't know any
Eurydice! What is this?

Nothing... nothing. That's
an old story. Just kidding

That's not funny at all!
l'm not interested in
these old stories, Orpheus

My name is Mira
Let's go, Mira!
Are you happy now?
You got what you wanted

-Are you buying me a ring?
-What ring?

Now that we are engaged,
you must give me a ring

-With what money?
-You did get your paycheck!

-You won't do it? -l've got
to get my guitar out of hock

That's what interests me.
Tomorrow is carnival. A ring?

-Silly! Buy your own ring!
-No, you have to give it to me!
