Orfeu Negro

She's really serious
Do you want me to get rid of
your little fiancée? May l?

-How did you do it?
-He insisted

l'm so happy!
-You're suffocating me! -l'm
happy for you! Give me a hug

-What's going on?
-Oh, it's you! Nothing

Sorry. l must tune
the guitar for the rehearsal

-Orpheus! Orpheus!
-Later... later!

-He doesn't want it.
-Didn't l tell you?

-You're an idiot!
-My costume is cool

So beautiful
-Where is Orpheus?
-He left already?

Yes, he said we should meet
at the rehearsal

He could at least have told me
You know, he is so shaken,
poor thing

Let me see your ring again
-What a beauty! ls it real?

lt looks great, doesn't it?
Orpheus, will you dance with me?
Yes. Soon, at the rehearsal
How is everybody?
How are you, Caruso?
You two... always cuddling, huh?
