Our Man in Havana

Happy event, meeting you here, Cifuentes.
Can you tell me what we are talking about
and why?

There is a proposition
I wish to make to you.

In private.
- Come to the office.
- Bar's a good place, engineer.

Run into a chap, have a get-together.
What more natural?

- Waiter.
- Yes, sir?

Give Capt. Montez another drink
and bring me the bill now.

You're right, engineer.
This is the best place for a talk.
Oh, keep the water running.
It's safer that way.

You make yourself comfortable in there,
and I'll tell you what we're going to do.

Keep your hands off me!
You are making a great mistake!

Now, if you touch me again,
I shall complain to the committee.

Am I interrupting you, engineer?
You are interrupting nobody,
Professor Sanchez.

You've been with me
a great many years now.

- We trust each other.
- Sure.

How would you like
to earn a bit more money each month?

Nothing to do with the firm.
Personal services.

I understand. I am discreet.
I'm not sure you do understand.
- I know a girl, she's just...
- I don't mean that at all.

I want you to keep your eyes open
and report to me on...

Well, on...
On what then, seƱor?
Forget it.
But there's no need to be embarrassed
in speaking to me.
