Pillow Talk

Mrs. Walters, be careful.
This is priceless.
- Really? What is it?

A 14th century crematory urn.
- A crematory urn?

Is anybody in it?
- Not at the moment.

Good. Then we can drill a hole in it.
A hole?
- So we can wire it for a lamp.

Mrs. Walters, we do not wire
14th century crematory urns.

I suppose not.
Hello, Jonathon.
Hi. I got something to tell you.
I tried to call. But your line's busy.
- Naturally.

Just picked it up. How do you like it?
Marvellous. - Like the color?
- Just beautiful. - The upholstery?

It's yours.
In grateful appreciation
of your brilliant job in my office.

What? Jonathon,
you can't go around giving girls cars.

I do. - This your car, Mac?
- No, it's hers.

Is this your car, Miss?
- No, it's his.

Jonathon, you're sweet and generous,
but I cannot accept a gift like this.

Why not?
- It's too, it's too personal.

- Yes.

If I gave you perfume or lingerie,
that would be personal.

But a car?
Come on. If it's yours, move it.
- Here. Send me the perfume.

Are you coming to my office tomorrow?
- In the afternoon. - Listen.

Are you sure
you don't want the car? - Yes.

See you tomorrow.
My analyst will never believe this.
- Neither will mine.

Good morning.
I'm sorry to be so late.
