Pillow Talk

This way.
I thought we were going for a drive.
- We are.

Back-home style.
You know something?
Whenever I miss home,
the only thing that helps
is getting behind a horse.

There's something wholesome
about a man who loves animals.

I hope this stupid horse
knows where to go.

Hangs on to the reins
like a subway strap.

I don't know what he's planning,
but I'm glad she's not my daughter.

Here is the ranch house.
Right here is the corral,
that's where I keep my ponies.

And here
behind the ranch house is a mountain.

Not a huge mountain, but it's ours.
Texas must be pretty.
Yes, it is. It is.
I'm eating alone today.
I'll be right back.

I seem to be out of cigarettes.
Would you excuse me?
- Bye. - Bye.
