Plan 9 from Outer Space

-Trouble ?
-Take a look for yourself.

-What in the world...
-That's nothing from this world.

Burbank Tower to American Flight 812,
are you in trouble? Are you in trouble?

-Mayday, mayday. Stand by, Burbank Tower.
-Do you suppose the passengers saw it?

I doubt it. Most of them are asleep.
But it was quite a jolt, Jeff. I'll check.

Good. We'll get them ready for landing.
Keep it quiet until we get instructions.

-American Flight 812 reporting to Burbank Tower, over.

-D'you hear anything ?
-I thought I did.

Don't like hearin' noises.
'Specially when there ain't s'posed to be any.

-Yeah, sorta spooky-like.
-Maybe we're getting' old.
-Whatever it is it's gone now.

-That's the best thing for us too. Gone.
-Yeah, let's go.
The grief of his wife's death
became greater and greater agony.
The home they had so long shared together,
became a tomb.

A sweet memory of her joyous living.
