You promise you'll lock the doors immediately ?
I promise. Besides, I'll be in bed before half an hour is gone,
with your pillow beside me.
-My pillow ?
Well, I have to have something to keep me company while you're away.
Sometimes in the night when it does get a little lonely,
I reach over and touch it, then it doesn't seem so lonely anymore.
A crazy kid.
I do love you, Darlin'.
See you Thursday.
-Goodbye, Honey.
You know I'm not leaving here until you're locked safely inside.
All right, Darling.
If you're especially nice I may even lock the side door.
And be sure you keep the yard lights on.
You're mighty silent this trip, Jeff.
You haven't spoken ten words since takeoff.
I guess I'm preoccupied, Danny.
We've got thirty-three passengers back there that have time to be preoccupied.
Flying this flybird doesn't give you that opportunity.
I guess you're right, Danny.