Solomon and Sheba

""And this l declare unto you:
only in peace can lsrael prosper
and be made great, not in strife.""

And again, the Lord God Jehovah
spoke to his servant David:

""Behold, a son has been born unto thee,
a man of peace.""

thou hast named him Solomon.""

""And l will establish
his kingdom for ever.""

- The kingdom is mine!
- God wills it otherwise.

You made good use
of your time alone with him.

You used his weakness against me.
- l knew nothing of this.
- You lie.

- You were always a weaver of words.
- You accuse him falsely.

After you"ve chosen him over me?
Theirs should be the choice.

- Let them choose.
- Aye, hear us.

- Adonijah.
- (crowd) Adonijah.

- You, the elders, what say you?
- Accept the will of God.

- The crown is mine. l shall fight for it.
- Adonijah is the rightful heir.

Act not with violence
lest the wrath of God fall upon you.

l have never done anything
to deprive you.

Words from the mouth of a hypocrite.
lsn"t yours the act of a hypocrite
in coming to greet your father?

You who proclaimed yourself king
even though you knew David lived.

Has Hezrai spoken truly?
l did not know that
you had sent him to spy on me.

Could you not wait
until the breath left my body?

- l am weary with waiting.
- The king must respect and obey the law.

ln proclaiming yourself,
you have violated the law of God and man.

l claimed what was mine by right,
and l shall never relinquish that right.

How long will it take them
to discover his incompetence?

Solomon king? lmpossible.
Now it is revealed
out of the mouth of Adonijah himself

why God hath turned his face from him.
The wisdom of God
passeth all understanding.
