Some Like It Hot

- You won't tell anybody, will you?
- Tell what?

lf they catch me once more,
they'll kick me out of the band.

Are you the replacement
for the bass and sax?

That's us. And I'm Daphne.
This is Joe... sephine.
Come in.
I'm Sugar Cane.
- Sugar Cane?
- l changed it from Sugar Kowalczyk.

- Polish?
- Yes. l come from this musical family.

My mother's a piano teacher.
My father was a conductor.

- Where did he conduct?
- On the Baltimore and Ohio.

l play the ukulele, and l sing, too.
l don't have much of a voice,
but this isn't much of a band, either.

I'm only with them cos I'm running away.
- Running away from what?
- Oh, don't get me started on that.

Hey, you want some? It's bourbon.
I'll take a rain check.
l don't want you to think I'm a drinker.
l can stop if l want to, only l don't want to.

- Especially when I'm blue.
- We understand.

All the girls drink. But I'm the one
that gets caught. Story of my life.

l always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop.
Are my seams straight?
I'll say.
- See you around, girls.
- Bye, Sugar.

We have been playing
with the wrong bands.

- Down, Daphne.
- See the shape of that liquor cabinet?

Forget it. One false move
and we're off the train.

Then it's the police,
the papers and the Mob in Chicago.

Boy, would l love to
borrow a cup of that Sugar.

No pastry, no butter - and no Sugar.
You tore 'em again.
