Some Like It Hot

lce. What's keeping the ice?
The natives are getting restless.

- How about a couple of drinks for us?
- Sure.

- You know, I'm gonna be 25 in June.
- You are?

That's a quarter of a century.
Makes a girl think.

- About what?
- The future.

You know - like a husband. That's why
I'm glad we're going to Florida.

- What's in Florida?
- Millionaires. Flocks of them.

They all go south for the winter, like birds.
- Gonna catch yourself a rich bird?
- l don't care how rich he is.

As long as he has a yacht, a private
railroad car and his own toothpaste.

- You're entitled.
- Maybe you'll meet one too, Josephine.

With money like Rockefeller and
shoulders like Johnny Weissmuller.

- l want mine to wear glasses.
- Glasses?

Men who wear glasses are so much
more gentle and sweet and helpless.

- Haven't you ever noticed it?
- Yeah, now that you mention.

They get those weak eyes from reading.
Those long, tiny little columns
in The Wall Street Journal.

That bass fiddle, she sure
knows how to throw a party.

Well, happy days.
l hope this time you wind up
with the sweet end of the lollipop.

So the one-legged jockey said...
What did he say?
So the one-legged jockey said: ''Don't
worry about me, baby. l ride side-saddle.''

I'm terribly sorry. l seem to have hiccups.
Hey, let's rub some ice on her neck.
l think... Ow. You dropped it.
Oh, that's cold.
- Oh, no, please. Don't do that.
- She's ticklish.

Help. Please. Help. Help.
Please stop that. Stop that.
