Suddenly, Last Summer

You reveal your ignorance
of our fair city...

...of which Mrs. Venable
is the richest lady.

At one time, her husband owned most of
it. Now she's a widow and she owns it.

"...and was very interested
in the work of your Dr. Cukrowicz."

She must have read your
write-up in the Herald.

"And I wonder if the foundation
I am establishing...

...might be of some assistance."
Son, with one signature
on one check...

...she can solve
all the problems we got.

"Also there is a matter
of some urgency...

...I should like to discuss with him.
Would 4:30 on Tuesday be convenient?"
That's today.
What is her urgency, do you know?
No, but I know what ours is.
Lack of money. Her money.

She is serious?
4:30 this afternoon, you'll know.
I can tell you this much.
I've been trying for years
just to see the Venable lawyers.

You've been invited by her.
That's a command performance.

That's how serious I think it is.
And this is serious too.
More than 1200 mental cases
Lions View can't afford to handle.

Good afternoon.
- Dr. Cukrowicz.
- Yes, sir.

- Take a seat, please.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Venable?
I am Miss Foxhill,
Mrs. Venable's secretary.

And you are Dr. Cukrowicz?
- Your appointment was for...?
- 4:30.

You are 23 seconds early.
Sit down, please.

Thank you.
Sebastian always said,
"Mother, when you descend...
