Suddenly, Last Summer

Mrs. Venable thinks you're prepared
to go ahead with the operation.

Yes, I know.
Cathy's in there?
George, hold me now.

I'm so nervous, I could jump
clear out of my skin.

Well, don't, Mama.
- Kitten!
- Miss Benson, you can go to lunch now.

- Thank you, doctor.
- My poor baby. My angel.

- In this place.
- It's all right, Mama. I'm just fine.

You look pretty good,
Cathy, considering.

- So do you, George, considering.
- We wanted to see you.

But Violet said no,
not while you were at St. Mary's.

The doctors there didn't want
anybody to see you, so we didn't.

My, that's a pretty dress.
- When did you get that?
- In Paris. Sebastian bought it.

Yeah? I'm wearing one of his suits.
Yes, I recognize it.
Wasn't it sweet of Vi to give George
his wardrobe?

Not that she could've done
anything with it.

It's the thought behind the deed
that matters.

Have you seen Aunt Vi recently?
Yes, we saw her last night.
At her house.

She invited us to a private supper.
She's had this elevator installed.
Cutest thing you ever saw...

We've got business to talk about.
I know, son. You know
how children are. They're critical.

What did Aunt Vi say last night?
That you were
in extremely capable hands.

And I can tell they are capable too.
Mr. Brossard, the new lawyer we got...
Such a nice man too,
a tower of strength...

:54:57 all these months
since Sebastian's been gone.
