Elmer Gantry

We are in competition
with the entertainment business.

- I'm not.
- Then you ought to be. Huh?

How about your bingo games?
And how about your baseball games
and square dances?

Now, ain't that entertainment?
What's the difference?

It's up to us to make a success out of
Christianity, keep the churches full.

What has religion
to do with filling churches?

Once there were only
13 Christians in the entire worid.

Was Christianity a failure?
Did God go out of business?

Kee-rect! Christianity is a going concern,
a successful international enterprise.

If you boys don't get
young people back into church,

if you don't keep the train on the tracks,
your church boards are gonna
find somebody else who will.

Isn't that clear, Reverend Garrison?
Speaking for myself,
not my congregation or its church board,

religion is not a business.
And revivalism is not religion.

And my vote is no.
- Good night, gentlemen.
- Phil!

Well, look around you, boys. Young folks
crying out they're the lost generation.

Godless anarchists on every street
corner, and he walks out on a crisis.

Do you realise that practically
every president of the United States

was a Mason and a Protestant?
And every session of Congress
opens with a word

from the King James version of the Bible.
And right now, in our enlightened age,
a Catholic is running for president.

- Mr Babbitt...
- And...

Mr Babbitt!
Don't say another word.
George, I agree with you.
Please, John.
If revivalism can do the job...

Zenith had a revival 40 years ago.
It saved everybody in sight for miles,
