La Ciociara

You're getting a real behind like a woman!
Signora !

Michele !
- Signora, I wanted to... I didn't know, I'm sorry.
- Dont' worry, she's only a little girl.

- I'm inviting you both for a walk.
- Dry yourself, dear.

- Ask the girl to excuse me.
- Forget about it, will you? Come back later.

No, mamma !
- Don't make such a face.
- I never want to see him again.

He couldn't have seen you.
The sun was in his eyes.

The boy's a bit mad. His father spent a fortune
to educate him and all he gets are insults.

- The things he said were true.
- What do you know about life?

If you talked to me the way he does
I would slap your face.

You should have seen him run!
We must be nice to him.
His father has hams, pasta, everything!
I'm first, 'm first, I won!
- You're a real mountain goat! What's that book?
- History, I failed it.

- What school do you go to?
- The convent.

- In convents, you never learn
how things really are. - Why?

Michele says it's wrong to send me to the convent.
There's such a thing as public school,
isn't there?

She goes to the best school in Rome.
It costs a fortune.

That's right, in Italy, the more money you have
the more you go with the priests and the nuns.

- Rosetta ! - Rosetta !
- Ah, you and your smart ideas!

I'm sorry but sometimes I have
to say what I think.

- Do you ever go to church?
- Me? - Yes.

A few years ago, I wanted to become a priest.
- You wanted to become a priest?
- Yes, I did.

- Why didn't you go ahead and do it?
- I realized I didn't have the vocation.
