
O Lord, you are silent.
Let me see Salim's face

His Majesty has ordered Durjan to
bring the prince back to the Court

Bahaar, you have come with a
message of joy to dry our tears

I shall reward you
with plentiful pearls

It is not enough. I want the prince to
walk on pearls, when he returns

And more than that, Bahaar.
I allow you everything for Salim

My son is returning after many years
I shall ask the Emperor to
let me have him

He has seen his father's
manner of rule...

but not the love of his mother
Tell the Court Dancer to prepare
an elegant dance...

to erase the fiery images of war
from Salim's eyes

And tell Tansen to compose such
melodies for Salim's welcome

that he will forget the bellow
of cannons

Bahaar, encircle Salim with
everlasting spring

Make a thousand moons glow
for my son

Where his steps fall, let there be
an astral carpet

And wherever he glances,
let there be heaven

All that my heart yearns for
but cannot express

O Lord, let that auspicious moment
come soon

when my son shall be before
my eyes
