
Be silent Suraiya
Don't order me to be quiet,
until you are Queen

For God's sake, as a maid I dare not
entertain such dreams

He is the Prince,
the future King of India

So What?
No doubt kings come from God, but
their Queens can come from anywhere

What possible relation can exist
between heaven and earth?

Then what do you want to be?
A maid.
- But of the Prince

It will be a calamity if someone hears
you mention his name

People will hear of it,
as always with love.

I know
Then why be afraid of getting
a bad name?

I am not afraid of getting
a bad name?

I don't want him to get a bad name.
- Then say farewell to love

If you have courage, come with me
To where someone's eyes are longing
to see you

Now I cannot bear those eyes
Let me stay here
Stay, then. But I have the courage
to face him

Have you lost your senses?
That's it: I'll ask the Prince why
people who see him lose their senses

Even yearnings do not become
insolent in his presence

That might be true only if he has no
yearnings himself

Now, love has put him in a state
where he cannot perceive insolence

