
Arrest the insolent Salim
You dare confront the Emperor
for a maid?

No, for a woman who in my reign will
be the honour of the haughty Mughals

The honour of the Mughals is too proud
to be weighed against love of a maid

Our India is not your heart,
to be ruled by a slave-girl

And my heart is not your India,
for you to rule

We have no claim over your heart,
but we have a claim over you

You are our son
This, I am your son
But in making me suffer...
have you forgotten that
I am a part of your body?

No, Salim!
You are the blossom of our countless
prayers, the only asset of our life

But do not stir a mother's love in
order to tamper with royal customs

Do not drag us beyond duty
with the chains of your love
