
Remember our responsibilities
and your status

Do not allow disrepute to eclipse
your greatness

Forget Anarkali
For the sake of my milk
that nourished you

You ask me to pay the price
for your milk

No, Salim!
Tour milk became blood
that flows in my veins

If you command, I will shed it at your
feet, but ask not for interest on it

Son, what you are saying,
you do not understand

I understand fully. Keep your precious
India, give me Anarkali I beg of you

I beg charity from Queen Jodha and
from The Kingdom of Emperor Akbar

These tears are the life-blood of
Queen Jodha and the Emperor...

which have trickled down
from your eyes

Stop these tears
Anarkali shall be given to you
Infamy shall not be forgiven to the
descendent of the Emperor Babar

We command that Salim be dispatched
to fight in the south

A sword is held by a soldier,
not a disappointed lover

Do not expose the Prince's life
to danger

Death in battle is better...
than death pining for a maid
