Rocco e i suoi fratelli

l wouldn't know about that.
There's a draft, come in!
You know nothing,
but l'm on to him.

You're his brother?
Then listen.

lnstead of helping him,
l should have hung him.

That's it!
That's enough, all of you...
Clear out!

l shouldn't have
brought him here.

l admit it: my mistake.
Never again!

That's it for today.
- So you're Simone's
brother, huh? - Yes.

Your brother's got a nice
build, a good punch..

..but he's slow. He should
work out more than the others.

My office.
They trained with me,
fine boxers.

Thanks to me.
Close the door.
Want to help
before it's too late?

Come to the gym together,
you and him.

- Me?
- Yeah.

Stay with him, never let him
out of your sight.

- Your name?
- Rocco.

Like Rocco Mazzola.
From Lucania, like you!

You're a good kid.
lt won't cost you anything,
just look after your brother.

And stop him from hanging out
with certain people.

Boxing's a serious thing..
.. you've gotta lead
a clean life. Like them.

Good morals are the first
requisite of an athlete.
